The Research
A literature review revealed the lack of psychological studies into ‘intrinsic’ motivation - our ability as humans to exert agency over our lives. There are thousands of studies on ‘extrinsic’ motivation - or how organisations can influence others! We therefore took a ‘bottom up’ approach to research into the art and science of co creation, more widely known as ’manifestation’ by conducting studies with willing and educated volunteers (typically educated to master’s level in coaching, nutrition and psychology etc)
We applied elements of the theory of neuro plasticity with the emerging discipline of ‘energy psychology’, and flow states especially the work of Mihály Csíkszentmihályi using qualitative and narrative evidence. We understand that knowledge of co creation with nature was used by the ancients the world over to maintain a balance between human activity and the forces of the cosmos. All we have done is begin to knit or weave back into a single body of work this knowledge and wisdom that has been dispersed over the past centuries. This knowledge, we believe, has been buried, hidden from whole populations in general and from the female gender in particular, with the sole objective; to keep us from our own power - so that we might be controlled and exploited.
The key is to know now that we all have this power inside or us, which, when used responsibly can allow us to be part of a solution far greater than ourselves. And rediscover a happiness and joy that may have been lost in modern life.
This study conducted over about 3 years, partly explains Albert Einstein’s fascination with the imagination, it borrows elements from the work of Nikola Tesla, Buckminster Fuller and Ken Wilber. It also strays into areas such as consciousness, nutrition, philosophy, linguistics, etymology, spirituality, shamanism and ancient religion. ‘The Fourth Person -The Knowing of The Field’ by Otto Scharmer and Eva Pomeroy 2024, in the Journal Of Awareness Based Systems Change perhaps comes closest to explaining what we do.
The outcomes reflecting what originally lay in participants’ imagination, with what subsequently showed up in their reality were surprisingly good.
One critical element we detected was the importance of aligning positive intent with what we are calling ‘natural consciousness’ - the force of unconditional love. The second, was when positive intent is aligned with the creative centre in the body, the womb space, known also as ‘Hara’ or ‘Dan Tien’, which, according to tradition is located in all humans men and women, about a number of centimetres below the navel, the ability to enter into a multidimensional state to co - create reality is ignited.
When we discovered that linking intent with the power source of life force energy or ‘Original Brilliance’ located in every one of us - independently coined by Dr Stephanie Mines delivered our positive outcomes, we realised we had found something significant. We also realised this power also needs to be treated with enormous respect. Our program is the result of this research. Theoretically by using this deeply powerful personal development method, supported by nutrition and self-care, and coaching support, each of us can, over time re align ourselves with the cohering action of natural consciousness.
To date, we have only conducted research with individuals. We are happy to discuss other potential applications of our methods with anyone who is committed to safe and orderly alignment with natural consciousness. See: Glossary
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, life will happen and you will call it fate” CG Jung
The Envisionment Process Impacts on:
· Clarity of Goal
· Intention v Drift
· Organisation of Themes & Personal priorities
· Identification of ‘blocks’
· Personal Power & Identity
Critical Success Factors
All intention must be aligned with the highest good of the planet, the natural world, the animals, all the peoples, our families and children
The ‘organising and ‘cohering’ impact of the work means only those describing themselves as ‘well’ should do the workshop first. Psychological and ‘somatic’ preparation work towards emotional regulation is sometimes recommended before a workshop can be considered suitable
The integrity of the intent set must be total and positive, and cannot be performed just anywhere and led by just anyone
The performance of this ‘Imagineering’ work requires exceptionally safe psychological spaces, held by suitably qualified facilitators, who have successfully dealt with their ego and are able to detach it from all outcomes.
Where and how this work is undertaken requires careful attention, to ensure the correct quality of space and atmosphere
People should instantly feel calm and extremely safe in the setting
Negative core beliefs impact on speed & ease of the achievement of the goal
Healthy self belief in one’s own personal power speeds up the results.
It is possible, with extra support to acquire more helpful beliefs (this lies outside the scope of the standard 2 workshop days / coaching support package)
Inspired actions must be taken by participants along the trajectory of their intent towards the goal, in order to achieve their objectives
Action plans are discussed in workshop 2. These may also involve the input of licensed coaches / therapeutic professionals during the implementation phase as optional extras.
Level 7 coach and retired NHS senior manager on the program:
“I didn’t believe that I could have what I wanted – a dream life, the first workshop was just a collection of images – it wasn’t until the second workshop that I realised that I had got what I had put my intention out for.”
“It’s the gift that keeps on giving”
This model reflects an upward movement of conscious integration - firstly with the self with others with purpose and finally with flow itself .
The father of flow states Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's describes flow as “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it”
Our work, when applied consistently appears to support people to move upwards into this state of flow. To support our realignment with our own humanity, as part of the natural world.