Our Program


  • Our method aligns your own inner resources with your deepest intention. We hold the space for you to find out what that is. If swift action and implementation is what is best for you, then that is what will happen. You may even begin to notice changes as soon as you decide things need to be different. The important thing for us, is that changes occur in harmony with what your own deepest intention wants for you. And this may be different from what you first thought.

  • We become more harmonious members of our own family, and while it is early days, there is some evidence the programme supports people to become more community minded too. As we know everything ( including us!) is energy, this work is aligned with natural consciousness, so the beneficial effect ripples outwards. Theoretically by doing this work at scale, we can re – weave ourselves back into the web of human and planetary life.

  • One consistent theme clients report is the way over time all the elements of their life just seem to fit and flow together more hamoniously. We have had reports of once fraught family relationships becoming smoother and easier.

    Clients tell us they look back and are amazed at just how much has changed and become integrated without them needing to do as much as they thought.  All the different elements of your desired life seem to fit in together in the best way for you. People are now coming back every year to set their direction. The benefits seem to be cumulative too.

    More info on the testimonials page

  • We believe the quality and ‘smoothness’ of your outcome is largely due to the quality and safety of the space in which your intention is set & vision-scape is completed. 

    We carefully exclude unhelpful influences to ensure an extremely safe and natural atmosphere. These influences lie outside our conscious awareness and the home can be surprisingly tough to make ‘airtight’ .

  • The stresses of modern life knock our nervous systems and our energy field out of balance. The conflicting claims on our attention often means inside our normal environment, we can’t always clearly see opportunities and solutions. So, when significant life changes such as job loss, bereavement hit, we can end up over-whelmed, confused and ‘stuck’.  By creating a calm space where ‘noise’ and negativity are excluded, and for tapping into our imagination, our nervous system has space to rebalance, so our perceptions can open back up again. We can then re focus and re-set our intention and plot a firm course forward once again.

  • Our program blends the shedding of past narratives, old identities with envisioning a life that reflects our natural place in the world, and the desire to become better ancestors. It aligns with 'natural consciousness', promoting community-mindedness and personal growth, while feeling accessible and not too real & raw. We are not primarily about getting you that red Ferrari. But if having a Ferrari is for your best and highest good, and that of the planet, don’t rule it out.

  • For a good balance of cosiness and privacy - max 12 participants per 2 facilitators.

  • Actually no. Our program serves as a catalyst for your own intent. We fiercely guard your right to express both who you are and your capacity to dream in our spaces.  We have therapeutic qualifications, but we only signpost and refer on to therapeutic professionals where needed. Our foundational workshops exist specifically to support you in the plotting a course in the direction of your dreams.

  • We are peaceful, compassionate, and non denominational. It is true we have more in common with the more ancient belief systems, in that humanity forms a part of creation rather than acting in domination over it. We believe our methods can help us all weave ourselves back into our true place in the natural world.

Is This For Me?

  • We are very picky about both the venues and facilitators we use. We focus only on the positive, in a very safe space. The work is very experiential, creative, light hearted and playful. All your insights can be kept intensely private.  No one will ever ask to see in your workbook. You won't be made to share insights, although many people do. Support is only offered when asked for. Coaching calls occur where you will feel deeply heard, and you’ll be able to ask anything you want.

    Advice from previous participants

  • The ultra safe spaces we hold remove all outside influences.  Commercial pressures and messaging are designed out, and creativity and safety designed in. In this relaxed and playful space, we encourage you to decide precisely what you wish to leave behind, what is already in your life which you wish to keep, and what you wish to draw into your awareness that you would like some real clarity about. Clarity of intention is what emerges. Yours and no one else’s. Then, in the landscape of your imagination, the way forward become clearer.

  • If you spend much time inside your head then your'e not alone, it is such a common form of self care we don't notice were doing it. It helps us to avoid some of the pain and disconnection caused by our modern lifestyles. One of the first things we do on our workshops is to help you feel safe enough to take the first step towards healthy contact with your senses again. This is the main reason we hold exceptionaly safe spaces, our senses are an important information source – we need to interact with other energies in the universe – that is how we move through our existence safely. If this sounds unfamiliar, then remember the ancients had few tools to do this – so they relied on their senses to thrive in their environment. And we can re - learn how to do that too.

    • Loss of a job

    • Loss of identity from children flying the nest

    • Planning life after the death of a loved one

    • Planning life after significant illness

    • Planning next steps after loss of a business

    • Loss of identity in general

    • A desire to reinvent oneself after a major life event

    • A need to disentangle oneself from complex relationships peacefully and effectively with maximum discretion

    • Preparing to step into a leadership role

    • Acquiring a business

    • A desire to explore the unseen landscape for risk and opportunity

    • Preparing to lead a more creative and innovative team

  • For Workshop 1 we provide everything (pens, paper & magazines etc are all available) Feel free to bring any specific images you wish to place on your vision-scape. If you have an object, or perhaps a photo of a loved one that brings you joy and contentment, bring it along too. Please let your facilitator know if you wish to place your images on your vision-scape, s/he'll advise for optimum results

    If you have specific interests that may not be covered by a general selection of magazines, feel free to bring a few with you.

    You might also bring ear buds and music that calms and grounds you. Discuss with the facilitator if you’re unsure.

  • That is fine, but if you want to bring items to the workshops, it’s important to let your facilitator know, as there is something slightly different you’ll need to do. S/he’ll explain on the day .

  • If you have a regular self development ‘practice’ such as yoga and meditation, you are likely to find it easier to make smoother & swifter progress. But be reassured, anyone with an open mind and a strong intention towards integrity and belongingness can achieve rapid progression with our support.

  • As an empath, you’ll be used to feeling things very deeply. If you have already made a deep and intense intention for things to be different, you may already be experiencing symptoms of physical & emotional detoxification. You may need more support than others with a ‘shallower’ intent. Please contact us and we will direct you to the information you need. We are publishing more resources all the time.

  • Yes! It certainly does. Our methods of space holding while you explore your imagination mean by the time standard life coaching methods have defined your issues & explored your options you could have already begun implementing solutions. And before your fast-moving complex life full of conflicting interdependencies, has had time to change direction. Again.  

    The care with which we manage the integration of individual elements into a whole seems to promote a smoother and more holistic life later on too.

  • You do not need to be able to clearly express your goals. You may be aware some barriers/blocks exist, but once inside your imagination and making contact with your senses many people are surprised that what they thought they wanted proved different from what dropped into their imagination on the day. We believe that in our spaces, we become receptive to our authentic ‘wise self’, who knows what is best for us.

  • Try to reduce or temporarily cease alcohol / vapes / tobacco around the workshops – this includes non - prescription topical medication too. (please however DO continue with your prescription medication)

    Please also pay extra attention to nourishing your body and mind around this time, and be kind to yourself. We'll send you more details when you book

  • Your state of mind is very important. Especially on arrival. Be prepared to change your mind too. Be prepared for surprises, and for feelings that might come up unexpectedly, for the unexpected memories or the return of old symptoms. Some people experience uncomfortable emotions (be reassured we are there to look after you & help you process these feelings if this occurs) This is entirely normal, and healthy actually. We provide a safe space for anything you bring.

  • Our deepest intention may not be something we can consciously control. This is not always comfortable.  If you sense you are deeply intending radical change, please contact us as soon as you know – we can help smooth your process. Knowing what to expect can be powerful too. We will also tell you if we think this program is not for you.

  • Do not change any course of treatment without consultation with your health professional 

    Please keep your normal prescribed health regime unchanged for the duration of your work with us. If you are concerned, please email us for qualified professional advice.

  • A healthy ‘brain heart gut axis’ is necessary for optimal decision making, and our work promotes this by supporting the body and mind to regain its natural balance and repair the more damaging impacts of modern life i.e. stress.  By developing your intuition, you re – learn how to get back in touch with your authentic ‘inner guide’ or conscience. And your gut can become a trusted partner once again.

  • While we are still a young company, many do – and they report cumulative benefits too, as their intuition rises and the quality of their perceptions and decision making improves too. See testimonials


  • At the moment, we only offer live workshops in the UK – we plan to produce a remote / online product which lives up to our high standards. We are not convinced yet that a remote product can work in the same way or which has the same optimum speed / results.  In the mean-time we have a number of resources planned to help you get ready or to process and integrate after a workshop.

    We can however train (over the internet) suitably qualified facilitators to deliver the workshop in their own area. If you believe you (or someone you know) has the skills to do this and lives nearer to you, we'd love to hear from them.

  • We do not sell any data to third parties. At all ever.

  • If you have a disability you can bring a carer for free

    If you have a a hearing impairment, we allocate a free place for a signer to accompany you.

    Wherever possible, we choose accessible venues and training rooms on the ground floor with access onto gardens. – please inform us at time of booking

    If you have special requirements e.g diet food allergies, do please let us know at the time of booking, so we can accommodate you. More information about what to expect is available on the booking page


  • A healthy ‘brain heart gut axis’ is necessary for optimal decision making, and our work promotes this by supporting the body and mind to regain its natural balance and repair the more damaging impacts of modern life i.e. stress.  By developing your intuition, you re – learn how to get back in touch with your authentic ‘inner guide’ or con/science. And your gut can become a trusted partner once again.

  • Yes - VAT

  • We carefully choose facilitators who are able to hold a high frequency of safe space for this work, and to hold their own space in such a way as they do not influence anyone else’s intentions. It is a highly specialised role that has more to do with who a person is, rather than the length of their CV.


    If you can hold an exceptionally high level of space, perhaps you are trained in reiki therapy or similar, ideally with level 3 certification (level 2 is acceptable.) Maybe you have experienced personal tragedy yet grown and thrived in spite of it and have natural abilities as a person others gravitate to, please contact us about next steps via the contact page.