Our connection into the earth’s bio magnetic energy field and to the source of life force energy runs in a line through our energy field from the earth up and out into the wider cosmos. Modern life disrupts this alignment and interrupts the flow of energy, strength and power that comes from alignment with natural consciousness the ancients took for granted. By focusing positive intention on alignment and integration, we have shown it possible to align our own wishes in the direction of natural consciousness. This seems to produce beneficial outcomes that resonate out into society and the wider world.
Bioenergetics is the study of the transformation of energy in living organisms, and it can be applied to how we make decisions. It holds that our bodies retain emotional experiences, until they can be made sense of and wisdom drawn. This can influence how we think and act.
See the article on 'The Bioenergetics of Decision-Making' here.
Life force energy, known throughout the world as ‘chi’ ‘ki’ ‘ka’ ‘prana’ sometimes as ‘jing’ has been used for centuries by ancient systems of healing. Artists draw heavily on this, calling it inspiration (from inspiritus – Latin for ‘breath’) The idea of play and re-creation occurs too in the word ‘amuse’ Muses having long been fertile sources of creativity. Albert Einstein called play "the highest form of research" This energy plays a vital role in our workshops in a very playful and Yin feminine way.
The human energy field, can be seen as a series of circles and lines of energy surrounding and penetrating the physical body, which has been mapped especially by Indian and Chinese cultures. The word concentration – meaning ‘with circles’ also has the sense of increasing or decreasing density (e.g. orange concentrate)
We believe cosmic ordering (which includes much of self help advice on 'manifesting') is where we act as consumers and treat the cosmos as a gigantic retail store, where ask it for what we want, and take actions so it delivers. Much of the self - help community urges us to imagine that red Ferrari 100 times, and it will appear. We hold this practice to come from the ego, and is not aligned with natural consciousness. If I ‘manifest’ myself a red Ferrari, I can be sure someone else has paid for it.
This is the unique collection of energies contained in your energy field. Some of these energies will have been passed down by your family, others will have been influenced by external experiences. With commitment, the denser energies e.g.grief can be processed to lead to wisdom and a sense of greater ‘personal integrity’ Modern neurobiology now holds that un-addressed traumas that modern life encourages us to push aside, leave us with dense energy for later processing. These can remain stuck somewhere either in our tissues or ‘out there’ in our energy field, or aura until they are dealt with. Long term unaddressed traumas especially from childhood are implicated in ill health and chronic disease. See the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study from Harvard university. See also ‘vibrational frequency’ and ‘processing’
That ‘pilot light’ inside humans of pure life force energy or unconditional love which, never goes out, yet sometimes becomes submerged and forgotten. The evidence of this is most often seen in the eyes of people who have just fallen in love.
The human deployment of life force energy along the trajectory of one’s intention. This should be used when in a state of the highest integrity, in alignment with unconditional love, and in one’s own personal power. Ideally this should be done in environments which are very safe held by highly developed individuals who are able to detach their ego completely from any outcome.
The discipline of modern psychology and medicine, which combines the latest thinking in neurobiology with ancient knowledge, belief systems and wisdom, where we hold that we are spiritual beings of pure energy and light. These systems use the whole of the person's energy field and pathways such as the meridian system, to heal or ‘make whole’ the entire person e.g. Acupuncture, EFT Tapping, EMDR, Reiki etc.
The human energy field is electro magnetic. A positive relationship between thoughts and stored energy in the body with pizo electricity can now be detected flowing through the body via the collagen. (D Feinstein et al ) The human energy field has a positive and a negative pole and needs to be grounded into the earth’s own magnetic field if, like a toaster on the blink, our energy is not to become unstable. This is most often seen in those children and young people, whose energy fields have become disrupted by the stresses of modern life young bodies were never designed for. These conditions, once extremely rare are now commonplace.
The frequency of energy vibration is measured in Hertz - or Hz and every emotion has its own particular frequency. The frequency of love for example at 528 Hz is correlated with emotional and physical healing and positive transformation. Work was done in the 20th century by Dr David Hawkins to produce a scale of human consciousness by linking emotions to their vibrational frequency. There are now many versions of this scale commonly used in personal development. Many people know it as the Emotional Guidance Scale. See also Vibrational Frequency
The ancients knew what we have forgotten – we are creatures of energy, who since the Renaissance period have chosen to limit our worldview to 3D and what we can ‘prove’ scientifically and intellectually and has led to skepticism towards information obtained by intuition. While we can use modern techniques to perceive it, such as Kirlian photography, our scientific scepticism effectively disconnects us from our sensory powers, the head heart gut axis associated with optimum decision making. By fully understanding that our energetic signature or profile can be altered by our thoughts and intentions, we can take back our creative abilities to re-align with the natural world in a state of harmony.
This term blends ‘imagining’ - making images in our minds eye - with ‘engineering’ where we apply principles of science and ancient knowledge to solidify aspects of our imagination into our lived reality.
The act of assembling elements to achieve a cohesive whole. This process allows for whatever healing our minds have deemed necessary and can be supported with plenty of sleep, good nutrition, self compassion and forgiveness, to bring us back into ‘wholeness’. The very word health derives from the Old English word ‘hale’ meaning ‘whole’ or ‘sound’. The expression ‘hale and hearty’ reminds us too of the role of the heart in both having integrity and in optimal wellbeing.
A holistic understanding of any situation, enabling us to analyse it from every angle and form a collective perspective of it. It is similar to Thinking from Different Angles: The ability to view any scenario from a different angle and forming a 360-degree perspective. We are influenced by the work of Ken Wilber, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein
Our ancestors couldn’t use modern instruments, so they used their senses to understand how to relate to their environment and make best use of resources. By reconnecting with our senses inside hyper safe spaces, we too can begin to tune back into our full repertoire of human responses, so we can use all of our own humanity to navigate a complex and unpredictable world.
The original source of all energy in the cosmos - unconditional love, often identified throughout history as divine. See also ‘creative energy’
The belief that positive and negative charges in the body’s electromagnetic field control its energy. The notion that a human beings can 'switch' polarity is embedded in the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine, and provides exercises to correct it.
The act of the body and the mind dealing with the changes that have been catalysed by any decision that ‘things be different’. These can be cellular changes, enhanced coherence of the human ‘energy field’ (often evidenced by better concentration) detoxification processes, the expulsion of stored toxins from the body in response to enhanced self-love, self-care, nurturing and nourishment. as the human body can forget how to do this, its important to know a few processing techniques also known as 'clearing' We teach this inside our program.
The act of consciously being fully ‘present’ while using one’s full repertoire of senses e.g. vision taste touch etc, This also includes one’s intuition - the sixth sense, in order to gain the maximum information from the environment.
The rate at which energy is vibrating. According to Albert Einstein – everything in creation has a frequency. One example is the atmosphere on entering a room where an argument took place earlier, we even say you can ‘cut it with a knife.’ The highest and finest frequency in the universe is the unifying force of unconditional love. Neither is dense or visible like the ground you walk on, but you know them when you feel them. See also Natural consciousness, Creative energy, Energetic signature, High Frequency