Personal Transformation

Create a life you won’t need to escape from? We’ve done it already…

Where is your happy place? What would it look like? Where would you be? Who would be there with you?

If your life has too many moving parts and holidays can’t come soon enough. If your happy place is more a far off dream than your everyday, if you have a mind to find your truth, your purpose and a bright new horizon to plot a firm course towards, then playful ‘imagineering’ with us to ‘design your destiny’ could be for you

In the time it takes for classic coaching to define the problem, you will have mapped the possibilities and be writing your action plan.

If you choose to book a call – we’ll send you a questionnaire to check where you are on your journey, ( many people find the questions useful reflection ) so we can signpost further help or reading even if we aren’t for you.

  • No. In fact it can actually be better if you come with an open mind. If you are genuinely confused about what you want, our unique process really does help you untangle your thoughts

  • Our approach supports you to shed past identities and habits. It promotes deep alignment with your own internal value set, promoting environmental and community-mindedness and personal growth. We support you to become the person you imagine yourself to be deep down yet may not be able to fully express because of life circumstances.

  • Our tested and measured approach ensures safe and effective personal transformation with the fewest demands on your time, while delivering the changes you seek. And as rapidly as your deepest intention allows. We focus on quality and responsible growth, but most of the transformation actually occurs where you are, back in your own life. with us providing comprehensive on-line coaching and other support, where needed.

  • Every full price workshop includes 2 60 minute coaching calls, one best taken between booking and attending the first of the pair of workshops. The second can be booked around your diary in agreement with your facilitator. There is a page giving detailed information on what to expect on this website so you can make an informed choice.

  • No artistic skills are required - the workshop is about personal exploration and expression. If you can use a glue stick, handle a pair of scissors and hold a pencil, that is a perfect beginning.